Zions Helping Hand-
Study Resources
Commentaries, and other resources to help with your studies [click to expand tabs below- best use is on a computer]
BLB is a great resource for studying, but as with all things use it with backing from scripture and the spirit, I have found many things on there which is false, so be led by the spirit and scriptural truth when studying… as for which commentaries to use, I cannot say what people or format you will like, but I can suggest a few possibilities. I have used a few that have assisted me: For comments on scriptures and studies- See Chuck Smith and David Guzik. For additional info or other writing on scripture studies- see John MacArthur, Matthew Henry, and George Whitefield.
Comments: Bible Hub (BH)
BH is another great resource and is mostly organized by scripture. When using, enter the scripture in study up at the top of the page, and whatever section you are in will upload to those topics within that scripture. There is too much in this website to explain how to fully use, so someday I will make a tutorial on how to take advantage of this whole website. For now, explore what you can through this website and see what you can get out of it!
Comments: Study Light (SL)
SL is a great resource with many new features that aren’t found on other websites, the only problem with SL that I have is the amount of ads and the only way to get rid of them is to pay (still a good resource though).
Comments: Other Resources (Books)
There are many books and other resources not found on the internet, to find more take a look at the restoration bookstore, or look into a few of my (and others) favorite resources from books.
- Exercises in Growing Spiritually by Barbara Wilkins
- The New Testament in Modern English
- The Instructor by Gomer T. Griffith
- Naves Topical Bible
- Halleys Handbook
- Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
- Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
Original Class Slides Below:
Click Images Below to See Each Resource.